Hi all. Just thought I would take a minute to post about a few things. First, I received 4 knitting books yesterday (from Interweave's "
Hurt Book and Overstock Sale") that I will be reviewing soon! I am so excited, because these are all books that I have been wanting but were not really in the budget. If you didn't know about this, then hurry over right away because it won't last much longer, and you can get some absolutely fantastic deals. 50-80% off knitting, crochet, weaving items, and a lot of other crafts. There are books, patterns, etc.
I have also ordered some yarn coming hopefully next week that I will be sharing with you, as well as a nifty little gadget I discovered. Lots of things coming up for review!!
I recently purchased a video camera so that I can make better videos. All of my videos until now were filmed with a digital camera, which only records for 3 minutes at the most, and it was extremely difficult to get good lighting. Being technically challenged, even armed with the manual, it is taking me a while to figure things out though. I try to get the best lighting possible so folks can see what is going on, and hopefully with the new camera, I will be able to shoot better videos even if the light isn't ideal. I already have a few new videos up, which I talked about in the last pod cast. You can find the videos on my YouTube channel - there is a link in the left side bar.
I have a couple tutorials that I would like to do also, so those are coming up in the future. (Knitting with beads and entrelac, to be specific) So I hope you all will keep coming back. I love getting comments, so be sure to leave one if you wish. Until next time, happy knitting!